Contact Phone Number
Website (optional)
Organization or Church Name
Type Of Event
Name Of Event
Capacity of Venue
Event/Venue Address
Nearest Airport
What are you inviting LeRoy to do?
How long is LeRoy's portion of the event?
Please answer in hours, ie: .5, 1, 2, 3 Band
LeRoy often will travel with his own band. In the event he needs to coordinate a band please provide a point of contact for your worship team. Average Number of Expected Attendees
Will there be an honorarium?
LeRoy may have to compensate band musicians for your event Event Dates / Times
Start Time
End Time
Tell us about the event in a few sentences
What are your expectations for LeRoy’s participation in this event?
Include details about how many sessions you are wanting LeRoy to lead/speak at. Additional Information (optional)
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